Mission statement & the Society

The shloka from Bhagwat addressed to the God states that

“O,lord what ever we do or perform.
“Using our body, speech, mind, all sensory and mortar
organs, conscience & our natural instinct, is dedicated to you.”

With the above quotes into soul and mind; J.M. Institute of Speech & Hearing was conceived in the year 1982 by few young professionals and social activists at Patna, the capital city of Bihar in India. Later on, it was registered under Indian Societies Registration Act of 1860 on 18th December 1984. The aim for establishment of this Institute was to create model health care facilities for the underprivileged class and to create a strong advanced academic & research environment for medical as well as allied health science students.

The major campus of the society has been established by the name of RADHA DEVI JAGESHWARI MEMORIAL MEDICAL COLLEGE & HOSPITAL in Muzaffarpur which is the gate way of North-East states of India and also Nepal and Bhutan. The foundation of the campus at Muzaffarpur was laid by Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam, former President of India on 16th July 2009. The services of this Institute was recognized by Govt. of India who honoured this Institute by conferring national award by the President of India under best Institution category in 2004. This Institution thrives for extending quality services delivery in health and education. The human resource development is the key objective of this institute and has excelled at national level specially in special education and rehabilitation.

The primary function for which this Institute has been engaged is in the area of health services. After gaining considerable experience in health sector, this Institute is successfully running a 350 bedded hospital and is on way to start degree courses in medical education (MBBS), certificate/Diploma courses in Para Medical. As the Institute has considerable experience of more than 30 years in human resource development and patient care with the proposed new venture to establish state of art 350 bedded hospital and Medical College will be certainly a successful preposition.

The target group for the proposed hospital is a huge population, which is under served in terms of health services and is quite below the national and state health index. The motive and philosophy of hospital is innovative and client centric, that the patient will be considered as human being without discrimination on any grounds. The socio-economic status should not come under way to receive quality health services. For the patients below poverty line, the state sponsored schemes will be pruned in to the system; for example, The Nation Rural Health Insurance Scheme of Govt. of India will form an integral part of health services. At the same time the middle and higher income group cases will be given due importance and consideration in terms of availability of services suited to their socio economic status. There will be no discrimination in terms of service delivery related to health issues.

Quality and specialized health services form a major foundation for medical education. Therefore ethical and high standard practice will be the core principle of hospital services. The very dual purpose of the above is to bring health confidence among the population to be served at the same time our medical students get to learn the best clinical practices. This will help in creating high quality medical graduates who in turn will be able to serve the population at various location in the country. There is a dearth of good hospitals in North of Bihar and the location of the hospital is connected to various districts of North and East Bihar through various intersecting national highways and rail route.

Most important strengths and core competencies

J.M. Institute itself is a brand in health and rehab care services

  • Dedicated and committed workers
  • Vast experience and trust among the beneficiaries
  • Sincere and honest services delivery.
  • The benefit from the business does not form part of any of board members asset which is known to one of all.
  • The community has closely observed the growth of this institute from day one and many more relevant strength which contributed this institution to succeed in it’s socially beneficial venture.

Virtually there is negligible competition from the market as this institute has innovative kind of activities and ventures. There is no major hospital of such magnitude which can create challenges at this point of time. Rather this institute has been considered as a resource institution for other professionals and institutions. These strengths extend and edge to the proposed project of this institute. The board members of this institute are known & reputed persons in the community and society of Bihar for their contribution and strength since generation. Therefore, the personal strength of reputation of the office bearers of this institute will bring extra strength for development and success to the hospital, medical college and other projects.